Friday, May 23, 2008

bill henson

what the fuk is going on in Australia? | turn your back for 5 minutes & suddenly one of internationally recognised, leading, boundary pushing artists is having his exhibition closed down & possibly charged with child pornography & the gallery being charged as well? | & Rudd & other pussy politicians including that underwhelming charisma free zone Iemma who wouldn't know mind changing art if it fuked them up the arse are going 'terrible' 'disgusting' etc


i don't whether to be embarrassed as an Australian [but that's a bit nationalistic for me] or go wank in public in front of parliament house in canberra | would probably be arrested for being an 'ugly' installation


what is it about this week that makes me believe in some instances, that this country is sometimes very fuked! | europeans, the chinese & the south americans in their higher plane approach to contemporary art ... this wouldn't even 'blip' on the media landscape outside of the inner sanctum of art whoredom | & now Brendon 'the irrelevant' has decided that contemporary art is unaustralian? what next? lol


give me berlin NOW!


Dank Monster said...

no no no, first we take manhattan

thirsty said...

great song and, how old are you?!?! lol