Monday, August 16, 2010

the greatest thing, you'll ever learn ... is just to love and be loved in return

My sweet prince … was this weekend past | a dream | a reality | or something in between on a completely different level of consciousness | the longing, the intense feelings of togetherness, the physical, the loving, the exhilaration of being in each others presence | the holding of hands in the crowds of humanity who know not our deepness and emotional inter connectivity | my joy is your joy is our joy | my kiss is yours …

Inception | the movie | was strangely and coincidentally symbolic of our weekend and Exit through the Gift shop was a reminder that what is seen on the surface betrays a complexity in the depths of experience that few perceive

That is us

Opening the door | moving from my Tasmanian ‘room’ to my ‘Douglas’ room and back again | I can’t wait for the door to open again …